The First World Record Attempt in May 2023:
 Breaking the Narrative of Business Growth At Any Costs.
Experience the inspiring documentary film.​

We are on a mission to reach over 1 million leaders globally by 2027.
To inspire and discover business growth beyond toxic hierarchies while being fully aligned with their IMPACT and SOUL.

How People are Reacting to Documentary Premier

What Leaders are saying about us

"CEO World Record is an unbreakable history, and a film is proof of that unbreakable world history. This is truly a new world that has been created through this initiative."

- Crystal Davis

"Bringing the truth back into business makes a difference"

It is amazing what you did. The interviews are really inspiring and stories coming from the heart. It makes other people to think what are their convictions, where is their heart and what they can do better. You can see clear patterns that they have in common: ignore competitions, just focus on what you think is doing right. Ask the uncomfortable and bold questions, plan and fulfill the strategies together. Just bringing the truth back into business makes a difference.

We‘ve have gone very far away from the essence. Our problems are rooted in the perpetuation of 18th and 19th century economics, which is outdated and no longer useful for the current times. But a lot of people remain committed to that and it is a huge challenge to change it. So it is extremely impressive what you‘ve done collecting these different perspectives from around the world in one spot. 

- Dr. Bob Emiliani

"You have given them the voice and the legitimacy"

The soul is who we are. When we set that free in business, in life without a dogma, without saying that I know better than you, but collectively we all know better. And when we can have those conversations, and that what I find so immensely courageous and powerful for what you‘ve done with this.  I know for sure this is gonna have a ripple effect far beyond what we can now even collectively imagine.

You have proven beyond the World Record that there are many CEOs and many businesses that are already doing this. You have given them the voice and the legitimacy.

And what I love is that you are bringing it in structure systems so that can now go into universities. You created The Holistic Business University to make it spreadable that the rest of the mainstream world can now embrace. It goes beyond the few and impacts the many. It is so beautiful, thank you. 

- Ilonka Sjak-Shie

"We all are human beings and we all are here for the same reason to experience and grow"

My heart is singing that we are bringing actually soul into a business. We just forgot about it in the old systems and remember only when things started to go wrong.

Everything starts with ourselves. Starting with yourself and going back to root causes, understanding why you‘re fighting some fight that doesn‘t exist or why you‘re creating more problems with the things you are doing.

I think things are more simple than we think even though we try to elaborate on such difficult systems and structures we need to change. It is actually simple just coming into vulnerable space, sharing that we are all human beings and we all here for the same reason to experience and grow.

- Eglė Blekaitytė


The goal of the world record was to gather the world’s greatest impact-driven leaders to create powerful collective wisdom to share with the world. 52 impact-led humans and leaders from 26 countries shared their wisdom.